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   (대만학회) ICEO-SI 2017 안내
이름     관리자 날짜     2017-03-17 17:16:37 조회     5818

International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts 2017(ICEO-SI 2017)

June 25-27, 2017


International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI) is an annual conference in Taiwan since 2010. Each year there are more than 200 academics, researchers, engineers and students from Asia, Europe, America, etc., and there have been quite a lot of well-known experts giving full speeches.


It is our great honor to welcome you all to attend ICEO-SI 2017, which is co-hosted by National I-Lan University (NIU) and Taiwan Group on Earth Observations (TGEO.) This year, ICEO-SI will be held from June 25 to 27 in National I-lan University in Yilan. This Conference will cover issues on Natural Disasters, Health, Energy, Climate Change, Ecosystems, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Water Resources, Meteorology, and related industries.


Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Vern Singhroy (Natural Resources Canada Centre for Remote Sensing in Ottawa, Ontario)

Prof. T.Y. Shih (National Chiao Tung University)

Prof. Nitin Kumar Tripathi (Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok)

Prof. Sei-Ichi Saitoh (Arctic ResearchCenter, Hokkaido University)

Prof. Russell David Frew (Chemistry, University of Otago)


-Call for Papers: 

You are more than welcome to submit your unpublished papers to our conference through the paper submission system.



-Call for Session and Chair Proposal: 

Researchers and experts are invited to submit proposals for the organization of Paper sessions for the presentation of original research around a specific topic, with/without discussant, via the circulation of open calls for papers.



For more information, please visit our website:



If there's any question, please contact us through these email:




Best regards,

Organizing Committee