ICEO&SI 2021 is going to be held on August 23-24 in Bajia campus, National United University.
Please note the following measurements.
1. The opening and closing ceremony are canceled to follow the regulation of CDC.
Visitors at all venues must register in a simplified real-name registration system.
Limit on the number of people in gatherings: 50 people in each discussion room.
2. Author should prepare a 15-minutes presentation (3-minutes Q&A included.) Poster size is A1 and it’s template is on the website.
3. Field trip is cancelled. Who register and pay for field trip will be informed of refund process.
4. We use Google meet to hold the webinar for foreign participants.
The invitation of webinar is on our website .
5. Program and traffic arrangement will be announced on our website and by email later on.
개인정보취급방침 | 이용약관 사단법인 한국지리정보학회 사무국 : (48983) 부산광역시 중구 자갈치로 42 신동아빌딩 612호 사업자번호: 515-82-05600 대표자명 : 남광우 전화번호 : 051-890-2397 사무국: 010-4447-4054 팩스: 0504-257-4054 이메일: Copyright ⓒ2017, 한국지리정보학회. All right reserved.